Pascal Ballet, Jean-François Abgrall, Vincent Rodin and Jacques Tisseau.
Simulation of thrombin generation during plasmatic coagulation and primary hemostasis.
SMC'00, IEEE International Conference on System, Man & Cybernetics, volume 1, pages 131-136, Nashville (USA), 8-11 October 2000.
This paper describes a simulation of the platelet agglutination in a damaged vein. This agglutination, called plasmatic coagulation, appears in the human body and its malfunction involves dramatic diseases like thrombosis or hemophilia. We designed an in-machina experimentation that is very difficult to do in-vitro. The first aim of this simulation is to verify one of the biological models of plasmatic coagulation and primary hemostasis. The second one is to test different ways to regulate the thrombin production. Then, we simulate a haemophilia like disease and one of its possible treatments.
[doi:10.1109/ICSMC.2000.884977] [Ballet00b.pdf]