Gireg Desmeulles, Gabriel Querrec, Pascal Redou, Sébastien Kerdélo, Laurent Misery, Vincent Rodin and Jacques Tisseau.
The virtual reality applied to the biology understanding: the in virtuo experimentation.
Expert Systems with Applications, Elsevier, 30(1):82-92, January 2006.
The advent of the computer and computer science, and in particular virtual reality, offers new experiment possibilities with numerical simulations and introduces a new type of investigation for the complex systems study: the in virtuo experiment.
This work lies on the framework of multi-agent systems. We propose a generic model for systems biology based on reification of the interactions, on a concept of organization and on a multi-model approach. By 'reification' we understand that interactions are considered as autonomous agents. The aim has been to combine the systemic paradigm and the virtual reality to provide an application able to collect, simulate, experiment and understand the knowledge owned by different biologists working around an interdisciplinary subject. Here, we have been focused on the urticaria disease understanding.
Autonomy is taken as a principle. The method permits to integrate different natures of model in the same application using chaotic asynchronous iterations and C++ library: ARéVi. We have modeled biochemical reactions, molecular 3D diffusion, cell organizations and mechanical 3D interactions. It also permits to embed different expert system modeling methods like fuzzy cognitive maps. This work provides a toolbox easily adaptable to new biological studies.
Keywords: Multi-agent systems, Systems biology, In virtuo, Interactions reification, Virtual reality
[doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2005.09.051] [Desmeulles06a.pdf]