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Partitioning boolean networks within SIS

The PPart package provides an interface with the Metis and HMetis standalone library. Two commands are available :

The main command is based on an hypergraph partitioning tool, HMetis []. It is implemented in SIS by part command. part is applied on current circuit within sis (e.g. obtained from a file with the read_blif). The syntax is the following :
sis> part nb out
with nb corresponding to the number of partitions, and out the filename for the output files storing resulting sub-circuits.

Partitioning is realized while trying to balance th number of internal nodes per partition. By default all nodes have unit weight, but it is possible to affect different weights to nodes, according to the SOP complexity of the logic associated to each of them.

The complete syntax of the command is the following :

part [options] [-f out]

options are :

Merging partitioned files is implemented within SIS by the merge command, which syntax is :

merge [-f in] [-p nb]

in are the nb input file names to be merged (in BLIF format) (default nb is 4, filename partition).

Laurent Lemarchand
Mon Jan 25 14:54:37 MET 1999