Pascal Ballet, Vincent Rodin and Jacques Tisseau.
Edge detection using a multiagent system.
SCIA'97, IAPR Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, volume 2, pages 621-626, Lappeenranta (Finland), 9-11 June 1997.
In this paper, we introduce a multiagent system allowing edge detection in an image. This system is made up mainly reactive agents in interaction thanks to a shared memory. Each agent has a very simple behavior (perception-action), and has the capacity to adapt locally to what it considers its environment, that is to say the image. An agent can move and has its own position in its environment. The basic behavior for an agent consists of following the highest brightness gradient and inscribing its path, if estimating to be on an edge, in all the agents' shared memory. Its path thus corresponds to edges which are found in the image.
We think that this approach is original in its use of agents and may be used to implement parallel image processing.