Gireg Desmeulles, Pascal Redou, Jean-François Abgrall, Vincent Rodin and Jacques Tisseau.
Autonomous interactions for in virtuo experience of multi-model and multi-scale complex biological systems.
Proceedings of The Evry Spring School on Modelling Complex Biological Systems in the Context of Genomics, page 129, Evry (France), 30 April-4 May 2007.
Nowadays, the Virtual Reality makes feasible the simulation and the (in virtuo) experience of complex phenomena, to complete the in vivo or the in vitro investigations. We apply this alternative method to different fields of biology : cutaneous neurobiology, vascular physiology, hematology, immunology and oncology. Here, we present the definition of a generic modelling framework and its implementation for the study of physiological systems.
In the first place, the generic model is based on the reification of interactions into autonous active objects. Thereby, the biological models can be organized in a layout of autonomous systems. Therefore, the generic model infers two conceptions of autonomy: the first one is used to design virtual reality systems and the second one is oriented towards biological modelling.
The generic model is specialized into several modelling tools for biology. Thereafter, the library composed by the generic models and the tools allows the building of applications.