Anne Guillaud, Hervé Troadec, Abdesslam Benzinou, Vincent Rodin and Jean Le Bihan.
A multiagent system for edge detection and continuity perception on otolith images.
QCAV'2001, 5th International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision, volume 2, pages 342-347, Le Creusot (France), 21-23 May 2001.
In this paper we present an algorithm for fish otolith growth ring detection using a multiagent system. Up to now, the identification of growth rings, for age estimation, is routinely achieved by human reader, but this task is tedious and depends on the reader subjectivity. One of the major problems encountered during an automatic contour detection is the lack of ring continuity perception. We present an approach to improve this continuity perception based on a 2D reconstruction of rings using a multiagent system. The originality of the approach is to use local edge detection achieved by agents and combine it with continuity perception that actives contours allow.