Pascal Redou, Sébastien Kerdélo, Gireg Desmeulles, Jean-François Abgrall, Vincent Rodin and Jacques Tisseau.
Formal validation of asynchronous interaction-agents algorithms for reaction-diffusion problems.
PADS'07, 21st IEEE International Workshop on Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation, pages 93-101, San Diego, California (USA), 12-15 June 2007.
In the context of biological complex systems multi-agent simulation, we present an interaction-agent model for reaction-diffusion problems that enables interaction with the simulation during the execution, and we establish a mathematical validation for our model. We use two types of interaction-agents: on one hand, in a chemical reactor with no spatial dimension - e.g. a cell -, a reaction-agent represents an autonomous chemical reaction between several reactants, and modifies the concentration of reaction products. On the other hand, we use interface-agents in order to take into account the spatial dimension that appears with diffusion : interface-agents achieve the matching transfer of reactants between cells. This approach, where the simulation engine makes agents intervene in a chaotic and asynchronous way, is an alternative to the classical model - which is not relevant when the limits conditions are frequently modified - based on partial derivative equations. We enounciate convergence results for our interaction-agent methods, and illustrate our model with an example about coagulation inside a blood vessel.
[doi:10.1109/PADS.2007.19] [Redou07a.pdf]