Vincent Rodin and Alexis Nédélec.
A multiagent architecture for distributed virtual environments.
SMC'00, IEEE International Conference on System, Man & Cybernetics,
volume 2, pages 955-960, Nashville (USA), 8-11 October 2000.
This paper introduces a Distributed Virtual Reality platform based on oRis,
our dynamic and interpreted multiagent language. This platform, called
ARéViDis, has been designed for collaborative interactive prototyping.
Thanks to the dynamic properties of oRis, we propose to let the designers of
a system enter inside the system and dynamically build and modify the model.
During an ARéViDis session, this language allows the addition or the
modification of virtual agents in a distributed virtual environment. These
modifications may either be introduced by the agents themselves or by the
users through various Computer Human Interfaces. These modifications may
also be received by the network allowing communications in shared
virtual worlds.