Vincent Rodin, Gabriel Querrec, Pascal Ballet, François-Régis Bataille, Gireg Desmeulles, Jean-François Abgrall and Jacques Tisseau.
Multi-Agents System to model cell signalling by using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps. Application to computer simulation of Multiple Myeloma.
BIBE'09, 9th IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, pages 236-241, Taichung (Taiwan), 22-24 June 2009.
In order to simulate biological processes, we use multi-agents system. However, modelling cell behavior in systems biology is complex and may be based on intracellular biochemical pathway. So, we have developed in this study a Fuzzy Influence Graph to model MAPK pathway. A Fuzzy Influence Graph is also called Fuzzy Cognitive Map.
This model can be integrated in agents representing cells. Results indicate that despite individual variations, the average behavior of MAPK pathway in a cells group is close to results obtained by ordinary differential equations. So, we have also modelled multiple myeloma cells signalling by using this approach.
Keywords: Fuzzy Cognitive Map, Multi-Agents System, Systems Biology.
[doi:10.1109/BIBE.2009.23] [Rodin09b.pdf]