Vincent Rodin, Alain Ayache.
Monocular Stereovision: A Medical Robotic Application - The Use Of Color.
Machine Vision Applications, Architectures and Systems Integration. SPIE's OE/TECHNOLOGIE'92, volume 1823, pages 175-185, Boston (USA), 17-18 November 1992.
This work is related to medical robotics applied to endoscopic image processing. When operating, the surgeon uses both an endoscope and a color video camera but does not get any 3-D information of the analyzed cavity. The use of only one camera has led us to use the concept of axial stereovision. In this paper, we present a matching process using color information in order to recover the 3-D shapes of non-polyhedric objects (such as organs) with a zoom sensor.
[doi:10.1117/12.132074] [Rodin92c.pdf]