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The partitioning algorithm has been tested and compared to previous circuit partitioning algorithms [4, 8, 2, 3]. The parallel synthesis tool has been compared to another parallel tool that also use logic partitioning in parallel [5]. These points will be detailled in the full paper. Table 1 shows results for 1, 4, and 8 partitions running on 8 Sun SS5 workstations with 32 Mb of memory. In each case, we present the number of elementary cells (CLB) for the circuit mapped on a Xilinx FPGA before placement and routing. Overall times are in seconds. Times include partitioning, parallel application of a standard synthesis script of SIS and merging of optimized subnetworks. The tested circuits are from ISCAS'89 public benchmark suite [11].


1P 4P 8P
Circuit CLB time CLB time CLB time
C2670 105 793 133 138 140 111
dalu 192 2257 255 228 305 225
i8 232 759 326 143 434 325
C3540 229 1251 241 256 233 105
i10 435 37272 448 379 476 257
C5315 273 953 292 314 306 167
k2 253 15838 385 379 454 248
C6288 463 992 537 302 551 231
C7552 656 1295 297 480 321 266
des 1070 3055 701 1451 693 873
Total 3908 64465 3615 4070 3913 2808
Table: Parallel synthesis. Comparison of runtime (seconds) and solution qualities (minimizing number of CLBs)


Speed up and solution qualities are very encouraging on a network of up to 8 workstations. The best results, as compared to sequential execution, are obtained with difficult circuits taking long delays on one processor, e.g. C3540, i10, k2, C7552 and des. Splitting avoids the degradation of performances observed for these circuits; in sequential, these bad runtimes are coming mainly from memory swapping involved by the circuit sizes.

Solution quality is surprisingly sometimes better in parallel. This is due to the automatic switching of some algorithms from heuristic to exact methods, according to the size of the circuits processed.

Software will be soon available for public use at tex2html_wrap_inline200 lemarch/PPart.

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Laurent Lemarchand
Wed Jan 22 19:10:03 MET 1997